Friday, October 24, 2008

A walk at Sampon

After Sunday classes Jody, Maya Rae and I went for a walk at Sampson.
Here is the dutiful husband driving the ladies to the park.
As we were entering the park we saw a huge group of bikers. There had to be 100 Mennonite ladies in pastel dresses in varied groups riding their bikes with digital cameras dangling from the handle bars.
We parked way up into the park and started walking.
Maya was excited to show me something that she and daddy discovered on one of their previous hikes.
The thing about Sampson is that well before it was ever a state park it was a Navy base. The Navy left in the 50s (I think). The people left but the buildings remain. Some are in shambles but many are like time capsels.
We were able to ID various buildings and find wich room was once the bath room, office, brig, shower room, barroks.
The size things was the most impressive. Something were so huge while others were so short or thin. It just goes to show how people have changed over the years. Jody had to duck under most every door.
He got adventurous here and climbed down to an basement level.
Maya had fun on her bike and the fall scenery was glorious. What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon.

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