Sunday, October 05, 2008

Stockin up on hay

As we get thinking about winter coming we are thinking about feeding the critters.
Normally we just buy hay 4 bales of hay at a time and bring it home in the van because thats all we can stuff under the hen houses.
This year, however, we are van free. The back end is busted and will cost over $500 to fix so we are using our other two rusty crusty vehicles instead. That means we can only get 1-2 bales at a time. This is a pain. Sooooo-
I suggested that we put up that car tent that Daniel left here. It was intended to house the family herloom Mustange but Jody never found time to assemble it. Now the Mustange is in Virginia with Dan and we had the tent in a heap in the garage. I did the wifely thang and nagged the bajebers out of the husband. It was a big job that was going to take an entire day so he wasnt really eager to get started.
But- this weekend just ended up open so he got to it. The first pic is him clearing the land for the tent. The A frame that has been there for a year had to get moved. Jody used the swing blade to knock down all the tall grass. Then he mowed. That was yesterday.
This morning he and Maya went out and made a start at assembly. Ben joined in shortly after. They worked all day long.

Maya was really proud that she really helped daddy all day. When it was done she annoynced,
"It was WORTH it!!!"

This is the worlds best play house as she sees things. She cannot wait to get it filled with hay so she and Saige can play in there all winter long. This is as close as she'll get to having a barn I suppose.
Its huge. I thought it would be smaller. We can hold as much hay as we can ever afford! Tomorrow I am calling a neighbor to see if he'll deliver 20 bales to get us started.

We'll move the feed cans in there as well as the mowers. That will free us space in the garage and make Jodys life a litte easier. Jody says hes just happy to have this project out of the way.

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