Friday, October 31, 2008

Beyond World War Two

Vayda has always grumbled about Social Studies. She says 'all they teach is war war war'.
That does seem to be the general theme of things. So, this year I told her to plan her own SS program. She chose a number of countries she wants to know more about.
Because I am German- and she is half German- she decided to start with Germany. It occurred to both of us that Germany is an old place with a vast, rich history but the only thing anyone ever teaches about Germany is the ugliest part of its history...WWII.
I told Vayda she could choose her own format but she had to "prove" to me that she learned something. So, she chose to do a lap book. This is just a file folder with info on all sides.
Always a corn ball!
She put a world map on the front and colored in Germany. A little context always helps.

Her study was mostly done online but she also checked out several books from the library. She focused on things that are relevant to her like clothes...old and modern.
And, music. Who knew Germany has a metal band that is similar to Metallica !?!

And, food of course. German chocolate cake is on the list. We are planning to buy several items and have some friends over for a buffet style dinner of German foods.
She turned the back of the lap book into the German flag and touched on classical music and German made vehicles. She spent several weeks reading web sites about German culture and learned so much more than shown here. It was an excellent project that made her appreciate the culture.....and created a renewed interest in Social Studies.

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