Monday, December 08, 2008

Critter Visit

This afternoon the neighbor girls popped in to visit with critters.
Ravyn really liked the Sugar Gliders. They are kind of 'ugly cute' and she liked that.
She got to hold one in the carrying pouch.
Saige and Maya Rae had fun playing with Vayda's rat, Fae.

1 comment:

indigosd said...

My baby sister Karryn sent me your blog address and said that I had to come and visit. OMG! We must be kindred souls!! I LOVE Sugar Gliders!! I saw my first one in 1995 at Charleston, South Carolina and wanted a little Yoda creature to call my own-I got a new baby instead who had some similar characteristics! lolol Anywho, Karryn said that you have helped her tremendously with arranging her home space and that makes her happy. I have added you to my favorites and will be checking back in to see what in the world you are up to next! Tatoos...? I have tossed the idea around in my noodle brain. I saw one a long time ago [90's] in National Geographic that was on a frozen mummy in Siberia who was a female Shaman and thought that was the one that had my name on it. I even saved the article for future reference. Now I can't remember where I put it!! lol Have a good day. indigosd