Friday, January 06, 2012

Still doing the school thing.

Home schooling has really become a regular part of our lives here. Maya Rae says I could never stuff her back into public school and she will never send her kids to public school. She loves the freedom and self led direction of home schooling. These days we have kind of morphed into low key, eclectic, unschooly types. What that looks like is Maya Rae has loose boundaries around her schooling. She does use books and has a formal math program but she is pretty much self directed. She does a set amount of book work each week and the rest is up to her. Its kind of what happens with a junior high level home school kids. They become very confident learners and are easily self directed. Maya is currently into miniature dolls, turtles, goats, fiber arts, dowsing/ energy healing, reading and sentence structure. The girls her age are really into their peers (just like the public school kids) but their interactions bring out the best in each other. Instead of obsessing over their bodies (which Maya cannot begin to understand- she says) clothes and boys, these girls are learning from each other, exchanging hand made items and sharing novels.
Its very nice to watch this transformation.

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