Friday, March 20, 2009

Holy Sh** I walked on fire!!!

Here I am on the first day of the UPW- Tony Robbins- event!
Thought I should record what a crazy person looks like as I was preparing to walk on fire...for real!The 4 day event started at 1pm (on the first day) and went till about 11pm. Towards the end of the this day 2900 people walked across 22 beds (2'x12') of hot coals. You can go to UTube for videos of the fire walk. The coals range in temp from 1200-2000 degrees. I have to say, I wasnt scared at all untill I saw those coals!!! Yikes! I was totally freaked out. I thought for sure I couldnt do it. I really paniced.
Finally, I took a deep breath, got into 'state' as we had been taught and took that first step. I felt my right foot touch the coals then I didnt see, hear or feel anything untill I felt ice water on my bare feet. (Above is a shot of my foot with 'hot spots' after the fire walk...then there is a shot of some of the people hobbling up from the parking garage after the walk)

After the walk, I cried....scarry stuff man! But its unexplainably empowering too. Now I can prowdly proclaim that I am a fire walker :)

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