Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Closing the Store- the big sale!

Over the weekend of the 14th I held a store closing sale!
50% off of all stamps and 40% off of all supplies.
I advertised in 'The Shopper' and hung posters in the local stores. I didn't get tons of people but the many who did come spent lots so that was good. In the end I made enough to finish paying for my trip to see Tony Robbins and pay for our entire biking trip to RI (more details on these trips here... http://bodyenlightenment.blogspot.com ) I am very pleased.
Since the sale day I have had several people come by appointment. After I get back from Tony Robbins in March I am going to box up the rest of the stuff and sell random lots on Ebay until its gone. Any additional $ I bring in will go toward our Pilgrimage to Haifa Israel fund.

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