Saturday, May 10, 2008

Chipper- OH Chipper

This past winter we asked a contractor to dump a bunch of logs here. It ended up being 3 dump truck loads of free wood......and free brush! Ugh. Well at least UGH-LY.
So a few weeks ago we decided that as a part of our spring clean up efforts we had better rent a chipper. We got a big ol 6" chipper from Finger Lakes Rental and towed it home. This was my first time driving with any kind of trailer. Kindly, our neighbor, Jeff backed it down the drive for me- as Jody was not home to help with this task.
The next day- Fri- Jody took the day off. It was a Holy day anyway so he should be home relaxing. Running the chipper is not relaxing by any means but if "work is worship" as it is stated in the Faith we sure did a good something. The original brush pile is not shown here but it was about 6 feet tall and say 50' x 50' on the ground. It took all day long and into the evening to get it done. After the big branches were pulled out it was just tedious and dirty.
In the end we could see the ground again :) This shows the finished product- before it was all raked clean and before Ben started cutting up the stumps.

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