Monday, April 28, 2008

Productive Sunday

This past Sunday we tackled several home projects.
Elanee stayed in and cut 50lbs of seed potatoes into 3s with eyes for planting.
I spent all day planting my new lillies. My friend Julia gave me a ton of lillies that she was sick of looking at. I split them up and created a l-o-n-g border for the front lawn. I dug around 60+ holes with the post hole digger. Ouch! By next year it will look like something. I cannot wait till they are big and in bloom.

Maya spent most of the day hanging with the goat because he cried every time she left him. Jody and Ben worked their tales off for me. They dug two post holes wich doesnt sound like much untill you see the boulders they dug out. WOW! There was no getting around them. We are trying to revamp a small goat pen and build a shelter.

So after hours of hard work they managed to get the two new posts in the ground AND rehang the gate so it swings clear of the ground. Jody even added a hook and eye....just to make the wife smile ;) After all the hard work we all settled in with burgers off the grill and a family friendly movie. Thats my idea of a good day!

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