Monday, April 14, 2008

A Sunday at Sodus

On Sunday the 30th of March Jody was in the mood to get off the property and away from the chores so he, Maya and I all took off for a day trip to Sodus Point.We walked the peer and admired the rocks.

We explored the half melted ice and snow. It was cool how the sand under the snow was darker than the snow itself so the underside of the snow was melted- like caves- under the ice.
It was sunny but chilly out on the peer. Maya could almost climb into those icy caverns.
Maya discovered what a sand dune was and bravely looked off the peer at the deep water and gigantic rocks.
Daddy wrote in the sand.
As is Maya's way, she took every oportunity to rebuild the beach. She found branches, stones and trash to create her own little world.
One of her favorite games was to swim in the stones.
This was a great time for the 3 of us. Maya never gets time alone with both Mom and Dad so that made it super special.

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