Saturday, October 27, 2007

Apple Sauce!

Our mechanic's wife, led me to an Amish shop where we can get bushels of apples for $8.50 each.
She also informed me of an easy way to make pealing involved. I love her now :) LOL. So we bought 2 bushels to start and then another 3.
We put up 70 quarts of apple sauce for around .56 each and have hopes of 30 more....we'll see.


Kelly said...

We love making applesauce! Yummy! How do you do it w/out peeling the apples?

Portable Graffiti said...

Okay now you are REALLY making me homesick for New York.

A bushel of apples for $8.50 and we pay $5 for a dinky little bag, that are probably rejects from other states.