Saturday, September 02, 2006

Home schooling- My Views.

Home Schooling- My Views

Because you are dying to know, I thought I would give you my 'views' on home schooling in general. I think the biggest downer about home schooling is the all or nothing attitude that is held fast by both home schoolers and public school professionals.

Let me say first off that I know I am generalizing here....

We all know there a million things wrong with America's schools. Its all over the TV as of late. The folks who have chosen public schooling as their profession feel the need to defend their decision. They work to convince parents that regardless of the issues -even dangers- of public schools, we the parents would surely damage our kids. We aren't supposed to know whats right for our kids lunch let alone for their entire education. They want us to believe that 'All schools are good enough for every kid'. I cant blame them. How do you go off to work every day and fight the up hill battle of meeting the needs of 24+ kids with varied learning styles, attention levels, issues etc if you think your cause is not worthy= "right".

Then there are the home schoolers. I have met tons of great, relaxed parents who really do take into account what is both best for and desired by their children. But, I have also met the folks who are so 'home school is the ONLY way' that they box themselves in and sell themselves and their kids short. Right now Dr. Phil is seeking out those folks. Parents who strongly feel home schooling is the only right way. I think as home schooling families we need to first take into account our own strengths and limitations. I know one lady who did great with one, then two and then was ok with the 3rd but by the time the 4th child arrived she was overwhelmed and took it out on the kids. The main problem was that she had been on a soap box about the "only right way" for 10yrs and had so much pride that she could do nothing else. She had painted herself into a corner.

So- I think that options are great! Public schools, charter schools, Waldorfs, Montisouri, Alternative schools and yes- home schools. I think giving the parent the power to trust themselves to parent their children is the best we can do.

My 2 cents ;)

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