Sunday, September 05, 2010

A day in Rhode Island

At the end of the hot week with Javari and Jayden we drove them back to Mass. They had a great time with us but they were very happy to see mommy :)
We got there in the evening. As we left their home we saw an Fair in Brockton. Feeling very free and easy we took the opportunity to go to that. We just walked around and the girls road one ride. It was cool and spontanious.

We slept over at Heathers house in RI and the following day we went to Newport where we saw the sights and little shops and all the tourists.
Before we headed back to NY we found the beach. To this day we have no idea what state were in. Could have been RI or NH...Mass? We dont know but it was really fun. We used this as a relaxing reward for all of our hard work playing with babies for a week.
The ocean is its own special something, isnt it?

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