Wednesday, April 25, 2007

What my beautiful daughter did today.

Today my lovely daughter did an amazing thing!

Ms. Vayda made an appointment with her school principle to discuss a problem.

Vayda has been struggling with the fact that students in her class and others in the halls use racial slurs, derogatory terms, distasteful slang and hate talk as a regular part of each day. This is done to her, around her and in front of teachers and no one ever addresses it.

So on this day she sat with the principle and discussed this issue. She brought up specific terms including "Stupid Jew", "Beaner", "Mulotto","Shut up and eat your rice and beans" and "what color do you think I am?" She even presented the principle with a printed definitions of certain terms.

The principle was stunned. First that this was happening and second that a 13 yr old would have the interest in this topic and the bravery to open this discussion. She took notes and was very respectful and grateful for the meeting. She asked Vayda to speak to the student council and suggested an assembly to set things off in a better direction.

I am so proud to have a daughter who is appalled by this type of talk and who is brave enough to take steps to better her world.

1 comment:

Portable Graffiti said...

Hi Carrie,

A Note To Vayda:

You go Vayda!!!

I hope your mother will keep us posted as the events take place.

Or perhaps since you just started on this VERY good cause, maybe you could start a blog about it now from the start. Just jot down in the blog each day any progress, or once a week.

I would love to follow the story.

Miss you guys!