I have completely refocused my life to be focusing on my art. My recent work includes a children's book, a play room mural and this painting that I donated. I am heading towards a new web site and selling fine art prints and original works. Please visit my art blog at http://handcraftedbyme.blogspot.com for details and commentary. Also- please join my fan page on Facebook by searching groups under "Artist Carrie F Norton".
Jody, Maya Rae and I took a nice Sunday hike together at Upper Buttermilk. Maya really got into climbing and exploring. Jody was feeling playful. He did a lot of jumping and fooling around. Unfortunately, he was jumping from bolder to boulder and fell and sprained his ankle. :( Poor guy. He was hurt pretty badly but even more embarrassed.Maya was feeling catered to. We stopped at a really cool, artsy gift shop just to see the place and daddy bought her this stuffed chicken.
Since high school ended last June Ben has been trying to figure out what he wanted to do. After a summer off, several changed plans and the A.T. Hike things seemed to be aliening for him. He is in much better spirits these days. We are seeing many more smiles. Things are looking up for him. We are soooo happy.
Halloween night Elanee and Vayda went to a party in Romulus with friends. Maya Rae and I went out with her home school friends. Here we are. We trick or treated in Fall Creek. The folks there really give it their all. So many of the houses were all done up with elaborated decorations.Many grown ups dressed up and sat outside distributing candy. This guy was my favorite. He was offering canned beans and turnips. He had some takers too. :) Maya got rave reviews on her costume!
Maya ended up with a TON of candy. What a fun night. This is the best trick or treating I have ever experienced. After that she and I went to the bakery and ate soup then drove back to Romulus and collected the big girls.
On Halloween Day I took Maya Rae and her friend Anna to the Cayuga Nature Center for the Fall Festival. We did the 7 story tree house, hiked long in the muddy rainy woods and then cranked the apple press.
Ben decided he wanted to tackle the Appellation Trail. Maya and I drove him down to New Jersey to drop him at the trail head. He was the very first person to use this connector. He headed on his way. Very weird for me to abandon one of my kids in the woods but I managed because Ben was so calm about it.Off he went. 4 days later he had had enough and Jody went and collected him. We were proud of how brave he was for trying this.
The kids, Heather and I all had a nice hike at Upper Treman one Sat. Heathers kids had never been to a gorge before this day so I took a moment to explain how a gorge comes to be and lets look at the rock formation etc. Nice :) Heather said to her kids...."Kids you see this gorge? Do you know what a gorge is?" They were all 'yes- Carrie said its a ....' and she was all "NO- A gorge means you are GONNA DIE!!!!!" "Do see how deep it is and how you could fall to your death?!?!"
Great parenting Heather! Geesh.....lol. Regardless of the imminent danger and doom around every corner....we managed to enjoy the lovely gorge
Now that we are just 10 miles out of Ithaca Jody has reconnected with the band he used to belong to. Here he is all dressed up and ready for his first concert.
Maya and I are part of a home-school group. The group gets together every Wed. This Wed we all went to Lower Buttermilk Falls to the park. The kids had a blast.
Months ago Maya Rae planted a handful of sunflower seeds in a tiny pot. She has nursed them along for ages. Finally they out grew their little pot so we went out and bought soil, a new pot and a full spectrum light. Maya transplanted them. She was very pleased. She says watching plants grow is her favorite thing ever. A week later the plant was dead :( Poor kid. Today she is watching beans grow in the pot :)